Whingate Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 3DS
Co-Headteachers: Claire Beswick and Karen Loney

01132 638 910

Whingate Primary School

School Council


Meet our School Councilors:

Year 1 - Morris and Betsy

Year 2- Joseph and Layla

Year 3 - Elijah and Isaiah

Year 4- Romeo and Luca

Year 5 - Poppy and Maisy-Lea

Year 6- Harrison R and Sophie B


Sports Councilors 


Noah S and Romeo 

Sophie J and Ryan

School Council Meet MP Rachel Reeves!

During Autumn term, the KS2 members of the school council team met Rachel Reeves and were able to ask her questions about her role and about how her job has changed since the pandemic began. 

School Council Update!

As School Council we are very proud of our achievements so far and would like to share them with you.

Last year we started to hold a non-profit fruit stall for Key Stage 2 children. So far this has been very successful.. Each Tuesday KS2 children are able to buy an item of fruit for 20p during playtime. This is something we would like to continue when it is safe to do so.

As a team and based on our research within school, we have decided that we wanted to focus on developing the outdoor toys we have access to at playtimes and lunchtimes. After speaking to Miss Loney and Mrs Beswick, it has been decided that school will match the amount of money that School Council raise to purchase equipment.  A healthy bake sale has taken place to start raising money towards this.  

This year we have also met the Chair of our school governing body, Mrs Stewart. We were able to find out what the role of a school governor involves and share the things that are important to us.