Whingate Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 3DS
Co-Headteachers: Claire Beswick and Karen Loney

01132 638 910

Whingate Primary School



Welcome to Year 6!

We enjoy our last year at Whingate with Miss Dean, Miss Boocock, Mrs Budd, Mrs Walker and  Mrs Croll.


Yorkshire Wildlife Park - May 2022


Year 6 Summer 1 Newsletter


SATs Meeting for Parents - March 2022

Below is the powerpoint presentation shared during our SATs meeting on 08.03.2022. We hope you found the meeting useful.

If you were unable to attend and would like to ask some questions, or if you attended the meeting and have further questions, please come and speak to any member of the Year 6 team. We are always happy to help and answer any questions you may have. 

The Year 6 Team


World Book Day 2022

For World Book Day this year, our whole school focus was to innovate a fairy tale. Our chosen fairy tale in Year 6 was Rapunzel. We read the Brothers Grimm's version of the tale in the morning and then we planned and created our innovated version. We had a great time writing new versions of the story, creating watercolour illustrations, creating pop-up books and creating models of the castle. Many children also planned and filmed their innovated version of the tale, complete with props and costumes, and brought the fairy tale into the 21st century with current affairs and social media themes weaved through their creations. Year 6 children also spend some time in the afternoon sharing books with children in Year 3. Here are some pictures from the day and also some pictures of the fab costumes worn by the children.

Year 6 Rapunzel Innovation Challenge

Year 6 Book Character Costumes

Sharing books with Year 3

Year 6 Spring 2 Newsletter

Autumn Newsletter

 Newsletter to Parents A1.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1


The Blitz: WWII

Autumn Term 2021

This term we are learning all about life during The Blitz (World War II). In history we will be learning about key events and the changes to daily life during this time. In DT we will be using materials to create our own Anderson or Morrison shelters with a focus upon making a strong structures. In Art, we will be using silhouette and vibrant colour contrasts to create skyline images of The Blitz. In literacy, we will be using our knowledge of The Blitz to develop our skills when writing to inform. Our reading texts will also support our World War II research, reading a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction. 

Homework in Y6

For Autumn term, homework expectations in Y6 will be as follows:

Reading/book bag homework - To read at least two chapters from a book, two articles or two sections of a non-fiction texts each week. Try to vary what you read and remember to add these to your reading record. Reading records also need to be signed by an adult each week. Also, try to access Reading Plus from home if you can and add any completed lessons to your reading record too to get maximum house points!

Maths - Children to complete and arithmetic tasks each week.

Spelling - To complete the spelling grid with the spelling focus you have for the week. We will also award additional Spellvis and house points for any additional spelling activities completed in their spelling journals.


Remember you can also access Reading Plus, Purple Mash, Mathletics Doodle Maths or TTRockstars at home too!


**Homework will be handed out on Friday each work and is due in no later than Wednesday of the following week.

 Spelling Activities.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1


As the spelling test for SATs will cover spelling rules taught from Y2 to Y6, we are currently revising all of the rules during class time. After each unit, we will upload a word bank of the spelling rules covered and, if you would like to, you can work with your child at home to complete some further revision. We have also attached lists of the common exception words for KS1 and KS2.

Spellings - Common Exception Words (Orange and red words)

These words are highlighted in the National Curriculum as words that should be learnt but they do not always fit with the rules studied. Regular and accurate use of these words is also an objective on the Y6 Assessment Framework for writing. We have found that the more we see these words, the better we get at spelling them. We have grouped them into Sets A-D and have also added on the Y2 Common Exception Words (red words).

 Orange Words Set A.docxDownload
 Orange Words Set B.docxDownload
 Orange Words Set C.docxDownload
 Orange Words Set D.docxDownload
 Red Words.docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Spelling rules - Sept 2021

 prefix anti-.docDownload
 prefix auto-.docDownload
 prefix dis- and im-.docDownload
 prefix il- and revise un- mis- in- dis-.docDownload
 prefix im-.docDownload
 prefix inter-.docDownload
 prefix ir-.docDownload
 prefix re-.docDownload
 prefix sub-.docDownload
 prefix super-.docDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Spelling rules - Oct 2020

 adding -ation to verbs to make nouns.docDownload
 suffix -ed (2).docDownload
 suffix -ed (3).docDownload
 suffix -ed.docDownload
 suffix -er or -est.docDownload
 suffix -ing (2).docDownload
 suffix -ing.docDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7
 Orange Words Y3-4 master.docxDownload
 Orange Words Y5-6 master.docxDownload
 Spelling Checklist - Homophones.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3



This term we are having a huge push towards all children being able to rapidly recall their times tables facts, including division facts, to 12 x 12. Each week we send home a speed test sheet, twice-weekly we complete a Superhero times table challenge and we spend time accessing TTRockstars. We know that the better children are able to recall their times tables facts, the quicker and more confidently they pick up new concepts taught in maths. 

Try to practise your timestables as much as you can by accessing TTRockstars, practising on paper, or by challenging a family member!

We have also attached some extra timestables sheet which you can download below.

 Set A - 2s 5s and 10s - 3 sessions_week - questions.pdfDownload
 Set B - 3s 4s and 8s - 3 sessions_week - questions.pdfDownload
 Set C - Full Programme - 3 sessions_week - questions.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

This year we will continue to use the Reading Plus online reading scheme to help increase the reading speed and comprehension of children in Y6. This scheme has proved to be extremely successful at developing fluency and has enabled children to make more progress with their reading. Every child has their own account and can access this at school and at home. 


Indoor PE - Thursday

Children come to school wearing their school uniform and bring their indoor PE with them to change into in the afternoon. Indoor PE is a white t-shirt and black/navy shorts.


Outdoor PE - Friday

Children come to school ewearing their PE kit. Outdoor PE kit is a white t-shirt, black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers. They can also bring a black or navy hooded top.







SATs Meeting - Feb 2020

Attached below are the key documents from tonight's meeting. Please feel free to come and speak to a member of the Year 6 team if you have any further questions about the SATs tests and SATs week.



To mark the end of our amazing Y6's time at Whingate, we were able to celebrate with our Whingate Oscars Evening. All of the children, and staff, had an amazing evening: taking pictures in the outdoor photo booth; eating delicious pizzas; cheering on our award winners; and having lots and lots of laughs. We were also able to have a zoom call with our children who are currently isolating which was far more successful than the 'professional' Oscars ceremony!!

We are so proud of how our amazing Y6 have dealt with the difficult circumstances over the last two years: you are all incredible! We are also extremely lucky to have such supportive parents. Our Wonderful Whingate Family remains strong!! We took so many pictures, thanks to our amazing photographers Mrs Croll and Mrs Gatenby. Take a look at the galleries below.

Arrivals and the Photo Booth

Awards Ceremony

The Proud Year 6 Team

Our Wonderful Year 6!

We are so proud of you all and can't wait to hear about the amazing successes you are all certainly going to have in high school and beyond.

Forever Whingate legends!





Oscars and Graduation Ceremony