Whingate Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 3DS
Co-Headteachers: Claire Beswick and Karen Loney

01132 638 910

Whingate Primary School




Whingate Primary School’s PSHE curriculum aims to equip our children with the skills and attributes then need to be healthy, responsible citizens who are able to make decisions about their future, have high aspirations and care for others. We place a strong emphasis on nurturing children’s social, emotional and moral development to enable our pupils to thrive in a diverse society and take responsibility for their future lives. 


 Within the Early Years, children are supported to: 

  • Understand and manage their own emotions whilst understanding the feelings of others 
  • Develop a positive sense of self; having confidence in their own abilities, and setting simple goals 
  • Persist and wait for what they want; directing attention as necessary 
  • Look after their bodies, including eating healthily and managing their personal needs 
  • Make good friends, cooperate and solve conflicts peacefully.  

From Year 1, our spiral PSHE curriculum is based around the topics found in You, Me and PHSE which teach children through the areas of: 

  • Physical health and wellbeing 
  • Keeping safe and managing risk 
  • Identity, society and equality 
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education 
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing 
  • Relationships, health and sex education 
  • Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing 

Our curriculum meets the statutory guidance for health and relationships education, whilst also including non-statutory content of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), how a baby is made and grows, contraception and HIV. We have also added additional lessons around peer-on-peer abuse and radicalisation. Non statutory content was added through consultation with parents, pupils and staff. 

We also follow the Mindmate lessons which supplement our curriculum through the areas of: 

  • Feeling good and being me 
  • Family and friends 
  • Strong emotions 
  • Life changes 
  • Being the same and being different 
  • Solving problems 

Resources and materials used for teaching are relevant and help to support purposeful engaging teaching methods.  


The impact of our curriculum is that pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills within the curriculum areas; resulting in them being well prepared for the future.