Whingate Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 3DS
Co-Headteachers: Claire Beswick and Karen Loney

01132 638 910

Whingate Primary School

 Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5 we work together with Miss Newton, Miss Ball, Miss Hardaker, Mrs Gatenby and Mrs Cunningham.

Please see our newsletter for the summer term below:

 Knowledge organiser Yr5 Ancient Greece.docxDownload
 Modern Greece Knowledge Organiser.docxDownload
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Lego Robotics Workshop

We had a fantastic time taking part in our Junior STEM Lego workshop. We learned how to create algorithms to programme spinning rides for Lego people and worked together with partners to build and programme a drumming monkey using a cam mechanism. Have a look at our photos below:

Armley Mills Trip

 We went back in time this term and became Victorian children. We all chose new names and acted, dressed and worked just like they would have done during that period. All of the children had a fabulous day, learning lots and making memories. Armley Mills expressed to staff that the children had behaved impeccably and were a credit to Whingate! 

After success with this resource last year, we have signed up to the Reading Plus online resource. Your child will have opportunities in school to access the website but will also be able to use the site at home. The programme is focused upon increasing reading speed and fluency as well as securing understanding of a wide variety of texts. If your child has any problems accessing the website from home, please speak to a member of the Year 5 team.




Each week, children will be expected to complete a variety of homework tasks to support their in class learning. Tasks include:

Spelling - Activities are set on Spelling Shed each Friday, which correspond to our learning in class.

Maths - Arithmetic test and activities to complete with a family member.

Homework will be given out on Fridays and we expect it to be returned on or before Wednesday of the following week. 

Children will also be expected to read each week and return their book bag on their designated day, signed by an adult. All books books read (chapters in longer texts) will count towards the reading challenge.

If you have any problems accessing the maths homework online or your child finds any of the homework tasks too tricky, please come and speak to a member of the Year 5 team.

Den Building 

As part of our 'Explore' term we had the amazing opportunity to take part in den building. We absolutely loved it! Even if we did get a bit wet. We had to work together as a team, problem solve and effectively communicate in order to create a den that would hold and protect the whole team (even those adverse weather conditions)!

PE Days

Indoor PE - Wednesday (bring kit)

Outdoor PE - Thursday (wear kit)

  • White t-shirt
  • Black/Navy shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Trainers
  • Tracksuit top for colder sessions

 Please ensure your child also has their trainers in school everyday to enable them to get the most out of our running track.