Swimming continues this term, starting on the first day back (Wednesday 8th June). Swimming will continue for the first 5 weeks of term so children do not need a P.E kit but will need their swimming bag every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, the children are taught by Mr Rhodes (4R) and Miss Hood (4H). Our support assistants are Miss McIver and Mrs Hall. This half-term, Mrs Varley and Mrs Lawson will teach the children in year 4 on a Wednesday afternoon.
This half term Year 4 do not have P.E as normal. Instead we are going swimming 3 times a week for 10 weeks. Children will need to bring their swimming kit on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
All children now have an allocated day for their bookbag to be returned to school. Homework will always be given out on a Friday and will be expected back on a Wednesday. Children will receive their Maths Homework book with the task in, and spelling homework will be set on Spelling Shed.
Summer Newsletter
Year 4 Long Term Plan
Below is our long term planning document for Year 4. It shows the wide variety of learning that will take place in year 4 this academic year.
Summer Term
In Literacy, we are learning to write to inform. We are going to be learning different skills to help us write explanations, recounts, letters and biographies.
Miss Hood and Mr Rhodes really want to see children proof-reading their work and editing writing to improve, focusing on spelling corrections.
Our Science topic this half term is Electricity. We are going to be taking part in lots of investigations.
In History we use knowledge organisers to show what we are going to be learning in a unit. Please see ours for this term below:
Den Building
During Spring term, as part of our Explore curriculum focus we took part in a den building workshop. We enjoyed working as a team and communicating our ideas.
The Spelling Shed
Spelling homework is now set on The Spelling Shed. Children are asked to log on each week complete 10 games to practise their spellings. If you have lost your password, ask you Miss Hood or Mr Rhodes for another copy. Click the link below to go to the website.
Year 4 Robinwood Residential
We will be taking the children to Dobroyd Castle Robinwood Activity Centre in May. Any useful documents about this visit will be uploaded here when we receive them.
Until then, you can have a look at some of the past visits to Robinwood by clicking on School Life > Residentials > Robinwood.