Scroll to see all of the fantastic learning that our children have been doing...
Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 is a great place to learn!
The teachers who work in Year 2 are: Miss Neave, Miss Atack and Mrs Kellman
Supported by: Mrs Chappell, Miss Webster, Miss Olga and Mrs Maxwell
History Knowledge Organiser
Platinum Jubilee
The Platinum Jubilee was such a fantastic day. We danced, we painted and we wore red, white and blue. Take a look at the children having fun and enjoying the various activities.
Red Nose Day
Red Nose Day 2022 was such a fun day. The children looked fabulous and had really made an effort.
The children enjoyed designing their own 'red noses' and wearing their red noses in school!
DT Week
WOW! What an amazing DT week we had! Pocahontas got in touch with Year 2 and asked if we would make her some new dresses. Of course we accepted the challenge. We started the week by researching different materials and deciding whether they would be suitable for a dress. The children then designed 2 of their own 'Pocahontas style' dresses that would be fit for a doll. We ended the week by actually making the dresses out of 2 pieces of felt. They then decorated their dresses based on their design. The children worked extremely hard and showed resilience as they were not easy to make. We hope the children enjoyed it as much as we did! They should be extremely proud of their end result.
To end DT week, at school we held a 'School Enterprise' where children from all year groups could sell what they had made. The children created posters and bunting to make our stall appealing. Well done to Joseph, who helped run our stall on the night, it was a fantastic event! Year 2 managed to raise 33 pounds in total for school funds! Well done for all of your hard work.
World Book Day
World Book Day was so much fun, the children had really made an effort with their outfits and looked amazing.
Our book focus was Pocahontas. We spent the morning reading the book, with lots of talk and discussion around the characters and events. Finishing this session with watching clips of the Disney film and listening to the songs. In the afternoon, the children completed a Commando Joes mission. The mission was to find old and new materials to welcome the settlers. The children used cones (new materials) to spell out the word 'hi' as well as using raw materials, such as leaves, twigs and branches to spell out the word 'how'. Other activities included the children creating their own bookmarks to keep, and spending time reading and looking at lots of different books with their friends.
Commando Joes
We complete missions every term that are set for us. These missions link to key life skills such as communication, teamwork, exploring, problem solving and respect. Each mission links to one of our Foundation Subject lessons.
The pictures below are from our missions that introduced the children to The Great Fire of London 1666, one of our history units.
Some of the missions included: carrying water across the city to put the fire out, investigating how the fire spread so quickly and understanding that the resources people had in 1666 were different to those we have today.
Children's Mental Health Week
The children had lots of fun completing activities around their mental health. Some of the activities included:
-Wearing clothes to 'express themselves'
-Making support balloons
-Writing their aims in stars
-Discussing techniques and strategies to help their own mental health
-Completing short bursts of exercise to see how this made them feel
Writing to Inform - Instructions
This half term, we have been learning how to 'Write to Inform'.
The children followed instructions to make jam sandwiches. First, the children were given instructions with missing ingredients on the ‘You will need list’ and missing steps. The children quickly made us aware that they were incorrect and that they could not follow these. The children were then given the correct full instructions and used these to make their own jam sandwich. After this, the children discussed the importance of accurate instructions.
What an amazing day Pirate Day was!!
Thank you so much to all of the children and parents. We followed instructions to make our own captain hats, went on a treasure hunt to find pirate items and solve addition calculations in the playground, made self portraits and even learnt a new song and dance.
It is important that the children know their times tables and division facts. Times tables support lots of other areas in their Maths learning too.
The order the children should learn their facts in is; 10 x, 10 ÷, 2 x, 2 ÷, 5 x, 5 ÷
Don't forget that you can practice by following this link: and by logging in to your TT Rockstar accounts!
The children have worked very hard in school, and at home during the Spring Term. Please continue to support your child to learn these.
We cannot wait to see how many certificates we give out this half term!
End of Year Assessment
Below you will find the document that children will be assessed against at the end of the academic year. Children must meet all of the objectives within each standard to be awarded that standard. If children are missing any of the statements then they cannot achieve age expected.
In Year 2, children complete SATs for Reading, Maths, Grammar and Spelling. This takes place during May.
Thank you to the parents that attended our Assessment and Procedures Parents' Meeting. If you were unable to attend and would like some information about this, please see your child's class teacher.
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